540 Holbrook St, Danville, VA 24541
540 Holbrook St, Danville, VA 24541
Call Now 434-793-5710
CIC - Head Start
Applications will be taken for three and four-year old children. Preference will be given to children who will be three years old by September 30 and children with disabilities such as: mentally challenged, deafness, blindness and severe speech and language difficulties.
• Transportation will be provided to all children enrolled in the Head Start Program.
• Full Day services will be available to all children Monday-Thursday.
• Please provide the following information when registering your child/children:
• Child’s Proof of Identity (birth certificate or proof of birth letter from the hospital)
• Child’s Social Security Card
• Child’s Immunization (Shot) Record
• 2016 Proof of Income (Parent’s recent check stubs (3), Social Security Benefits Verification, Child Support Verification, Unemployment Benefit Verification, TANF, 1040 Tax Form 2015)
• Medicaid or Insurance Card
• SNAP Card
• Parent’s Identification Card
• WIC Identification Card/Number
• Applications will be taken by the Family Services Staff at our location at 540 Holbrook Street, Danville, VA 24541